Lo shopping...fa miracoli!!!

Lo shopping...fa miracoli!!!

Lo shopping...fa miracoli!!!

Sometimes they come back... indeed they multiply!!!

5 Organizations and Associations
4 Weekends
3 Charity markets
2 days a week
1 group of Clown Doctors...

all together passionately for...

The Volunteers of the Associations:

"Gioia di Vivere Onlus"
President: Maria Antonietta Miccolupi.
Purpose: fundraising for disadvantaged families with leukemic children

President: Mario Parlato
Purpose: fundraising for the purchase of an electronic ultrasound equipment for Sorrento hospital

"La Rondinella Onlus Clown Therapy"
President: Maria Rosaria Ascione.
Purpose: fundraising in favor of oncological children

"Le Amiche del Museo Correale"
President in office: Liana Le Serre.
Purpose: fundraising for the restoration of works of art and / or scholarships for high school students

with the collaboration of Sant'Anna Insitute
President: Cristiana Panicco
hosted by the Sorrento Foundation

They will be waiting for you every Saturday and Sunday, from Saturday, October 30 to Sunday, November 21, from 10 am to 13 and from 16.30 to 18.30, in the Park of Villa Fiorentino transformed for the occasion in a real "shopping street", where you can buy jewelry, fashion accessories, clothes and local crafts for a different Christmas gift, fair trade.

In addition, from Sunday, November 7, and for the following Sundays, the festive horde of Doctor Clowns will entertain children with children's makeup, soap bubbles, balloons and many gadgets and fun jokes.

Know someone who might be interested? Share a link to this event via email, Whatsapp, Facebook or Twitter.


Villa Fiorentino

Corso Italia, 53
Sorrento (NA), Campania, Italy